Sept. 3-5

  • Calgary, AB
  • The Laugh Shop
  • LIVE Stand up!

Sept. 8-13

  • Edmonton, AB
  • The Laugh Shop
  • LIVE Stand up!

Sept. 17&18

  • Saskatoon, SK
  • Parktown Comedy
  • LIVE Stand up!

September 4, 2009

Check out the tour dates page!

I just started a two month tour! Check out the tour dates page for more. Here's a quick rundown: Calgary, Edmonton, Camrose, Saskatoon, Lethbridge, Cranbrook, Edmonton (Grant MacEwan college and the Laugh Shop), Grand Prarie, Regina, Ottawa, Toronto and maybe more! In the meantime, join my fan page!

Brendan McKeigan on Facebook


July 13, 2009

TOUR dates! Fan Page! Shows ahoy!

Check out the Tour Page for the list of shows coming up. And if you haven't already, join my fan page on Facebook!

Brendan McKeigan on Facebook


April 23, 2009

Okay Northern Ontario, think you're funny?


April 17, 2009

Rise of the Comics BIRTHDAY SHOW in Ottawa, June 2nd!

RoTC Ottawa It's my birthday! Come on out for comedy, and then of course drinks! Live @ Absolute Comedy Ottawa with special guest Nick Carter! 412 Preston Street. Call for Reservations! 613-233-8000

March 11, 2009

Rise of the Comics in Toronto!

PhotobucketLive @ Absolute Comedy Toronto! 2335 Yonge Street. Call for Reservations! 416-486-7700

February 18, 2009

Year of the Brendan!

So this year so far has been on fire! I’ve been having a blast doing shows at Absolute Comedy Ottawa and Toronto, McMaster, Fanshawe, Laurentian and I just did an amazing charity show in Thunder Bay for Camp Quality with Mike Takacs, Debra DiGiovanni and Sean Cullen.

What’s next you say? RISE OF THE COMICS COMEDY TOUR! Tuesday, April 7th in Toronto at Absolute Comedy and a couple months later, Tuesday, June 2nd (my birthday) at Absolute Comedy in Ottawa. Gonna be a helluva good time!

It’s also looking like my fall is filling up pretty quick! Another western tour for August, September and the first half of October, with hopefully a few college dates out west along the way! New pics are coming. And if you’re on Facebook, join my FanPage! I don’t spam you, and only send invites to people in the area. Plus I’m awesome! See you soon!

My Facebook Fan Page!



October 20, 2008

Stand Up and Bite Me!

So Im in this contest, and the winner gets $5000. I would really liked $5000 so please go to The BITE TV website and vote for me. It's simple! No sign up bullshiza. Just an email, and they dont send you anything either. Thanks bunch! Sorry for making this sound like a Vonage ad, but I swear this is way better than shitty internet phone lines. Thanks!



June 3, 2008

LOL Sudbury Comedy Festival!

This past weekend was the second “LOL Sudbury Comedy Festival.” I love this festival and everyone involved. There’s a strong feeling of a family attitude with the festival. Everyone does a great job non-stop. It’s really incredible. I had the good fortune of celebrating part of my birthday (June 2nd technically) with some beer and birthday cake while hanging out with some great comics like John Maloney from England, Mike Bullard, Winston Spear, Carrie Gaetz, Mike Takacs, Sabrina Jalees, cripes just check out the website or google it to find out who was there. And yes it Jason Alexander (George from Seinfeld) was there and is an incredibly nice guy and was very approachable. There’s pics coming from everything. So be sure to check out my pictures section for more.


May 26, 2008

Saskatchewan... wow.

I just spent 2 days and nights in Saskatchewan; one in Saskatoon and one in Regina. I performed with the very multi-talented Billy Cowen. If you need a comedian or a photographer for anything in and around Edmonton area, call him. The shows were incredible and I had a blast. I’m not necessarily proud of it, but I was heavily intoxicated both nights. And I didn’t spend a DIME. Why? Because they just kept buying me drinks and shots all night! Saskatoon was ridiculous. Packed house, totally sold out with 220 or so people and a damn good time. Three drinks on the house, then people at the show bought me one, then another, and another, then shots. Then we went to the pub and it continued for pretty much the rest of the night.

Regina was great. Despite the world’s slowest elevators I had a great time. Full house again, but this time with a comedian’s worst nightmare... 2 drunk blonde girls, a bachelor party, and a bachelorette party (Yes, separate weddings). Now getting any ONE of these groups to be quiet would be hard enough, but all three is damn near impossible.

The bachelor party was like babysitting a retarded group of chimps. No amount of words or hand signs could get through to them. Finally I told them to shut the f@*k up or leave. They left to the audience applauding their exit. The drunk blonde girls meant well, but were eventually good.

The bachelorette party would NOT STOP TALKING the entire show. Word of advice to any bachelorette party going to any comedy show. SHUT IT. Yes, you’re getting married. Yes, you’re friends are excited for you. No, we don’t want to hear you all talk, shout, and take pictures of each other all night. Then ONE of the girls in the party had the balls (literally?) to ask me if I would take a picture with them. Normally I would say sure. But Billy Cowen was on stage! Do people do this all the time? Do people go to plays at theatres and then when one of the actors gets off the stage, you run up and ask him to take a picture while the play is still going on? NO. So I said to the woman who asked, “Yeah, after the show,” and she gave ME a look like I was being rude. The rest of the audience loved it and was very supportive during and after the show. Then a few audience members took me out drinking to a seedy biker bar. It wasn’t even all that seedy to be honest. And then I walked back to my hotel, only to have a couple yell on the sidewalk yell “Hey! It’s McKeigan!” The system works.


May 15, 2008

Chillin out in the Basement

Last night in Calgary I did a show for about 20 or so people at Daryl Makk’s Comedy Detour. Warm weather means a slower season for comedy clubs all around but this room was one of the best times I’ve had on the entire tour. You walk in and immediately think, “This is gonna be fun.” It was like hanging out with a bunch of friends. It’s a great room with a great set up and great staff. The show was downright incredible. It sounded like 200 people were there. Everyone had a blast from the comics to the audience. If you’re around Calgary, check it out. It runs on Wednesdays at Kitt’s Pub. Here’s the links:

Facebook Page

Comedy Detour Website

Check it out and try the flatbreads!


May 7, 2008

El Rancho Hotel...

Lethbridge, Alberta. Home of the Hurricanes. And home of the El Rancho hotel, which is Spanish for "I ain't cleanin' shit!"

This could be the worst Hotel I've ever seen. From the "woman" at the front desk on, I knew this was gonna be bad. She was a curvier woman, which is fine. But then she had "the girls" popping out of her Van Halen shirt just enough to see her horrible tittoos. I call them tittoos because they're tattoos on boobs. Or Tattoobs, whatever you want. Either way, that's a sure fire way of ruining one of the most magical gifts ever received. She had pasty skin, dirty blonde hair and thin framed glasses. She looked like she had just done some drugs. Why? Because it looked like she just went down on a rash. Classy!

I stayed in the magical suite of number 111. Overlooking beautiful parking lot. As I entered my room I believe I heard the sound of cockroaches discussing whether or not they should find somewhere nicer. The bathroom may have or still is being used as a Meth lab. It consisted of a toilet and a tub. The sink you ask? Well that's next to your bed on the desk/dressing room table/coke sniffing area. Very lovely indeed. As I put my suitcases aside, I noticed something on the pillow. A mint you say? No, no. Rather than a mint on the pillow there was a SECURITY WARNING. Awesome!

Here are 2 of the warnings as they appeared:
- Do not leave valuables in the hotel room
- Do not leave valuables in your vehicle

Apparently if you're staying at the El Rancho you shouldn't bring your valuables. But I guess if it was your choice to stay there, chances are you don't HAVE any valuables.

The show was at a place called the Blarneystone. Which is a bar/pub. No complaints about the show. I had a great time doing the show itself and a few guys were awesome enough to buy a shirt. Fun crowd, good place. Maybe next time I can stay somewhere that didn't look like a drunk threw drywall and bricks into a pile, then put a sign in it and opened a hotel.


May 3, 2008

Brendan gets bottled by a Native dude...

I arrived in Cranbrook for the first time at their airport/road hockey complex. Always nice when a plane lands and outside a bunch of guys yell "PLANE!" instead of "Car".

I did two shows at the Heritage Inn. After the first show, myself and the headliner Howie Miller went to a bar called Mistys. And no it wasn't a strip club. But at the end of the night, Howie was telling a story to some people. He's a great guy and a great comic so I can see why everyone was around the bar table listening to him regale them with stories of yesteryear. Unfortunately at one point, he began talking with his hands, and his arm. Then he swung his arms back while holding his beer bottle. At the same time I was blindly walking by. The result... me getting elbowed in the face and having my tooth cracked. It was a total accident and probably hilarious to see on the internet or first hand. Actually most people laughed. Not me though. I just took my bloody lip to the hotel and now need $800 worth of dental surgery right away. YAY! Never trust a native with a bottle.


APRIL 26, 2008

It's a Small World After All...

I landed in Vancouver, had a great afternoon and then hit the club to do my show. The show was fun, and a friend of one of the staff members sat down to talk for a while. After talking for about 10 minutes, we realize that we went to the same elementary school in Bright's Grove, Ontario. And we're sitting in Lafflines in Vancouver talking about it. Keep in mind what makes this even more messed up is that I only went to that school for maybe 3 months if that. We don't quite remember each other, but we had the same teacher, and named off a few people in the class. How crazy is that? The answer is very. Very crazy. Even weirder... if I bump into her again on my way from here to Montreal. OOoooOOooh!


APRIL 15, 2008

See Brendan McKeigan On His Cross-Canada Tour!

Sweet merciful crapola! I'm hittin' the road!

Here's a few of the places I'm going to be performing:

Toronto - Absolute Comedy
Vancouver - Lafflines
Edmonton - Laugh Shop
Calgary - Laugh Shop
Saskatoon - Parktown
Regina - Ramada
Sudbury - Sudbury Comedy Festival
Ottawa - COCA Showcase

Click on the TOUR section for more info on all the shows!


APRIL 10, 2008

Hosting a special All-Star Show in Toronto!

That's right. Come on out! I'm going to be hosting an amazing show at Absolute Comedy Toronto
with comedians Winston Spear, Gavin Stephens, Fraser Young and Andrew Evans!

2335 Yonge Street
Tuesday April 22nd

tshirt tshirt